4th May, 2022 10:30 GMT/BST

Coins & Banknotes

Lot 114


♦Crusader States, Antioch, Bohemond III (1163-1201), Silver Denier, obv. BOAHVNDVS around helmeted head with prominent nose guard & chainmail facing left, cross pattée on helmet, crescent in field to left & 5-pointed star in field to right, chainmail composed of crescents, rev. AHTIOCHIA around cross pattée within inner beaded circle, crescent in one angle; diameter 17mm, wt 1.03g, full, well struck flan with full clear legends both sides AEF, together with Byzantine Empire anonymous issue bronze follis, a type attributed to the sole reign of Constantine VIII & the last few years of Basil II AD976-1028, obv. facing half-length nimbate bust of Christ holding book of Gospels, EMMANOVHA (‘Emmanuel’) in legend & to left & right of portrait IC & XC (IHESUS XRISTUS), rev. ‘IhSUS XRISTUS BASILEU BASILE’ (‘Jesus Christ King of Kings’) in four lines but second & third lines misstruck; diameter 28mm, wt. 9.68g, struck off-centre, AFine to Fine.

Sold for £100
Estimated at £60 - £80


Auction: Coins & Banknotes, 4th May, 2022

To include a wide selection of early and late hammered coinage, including Anglo-Saxon and medieval examples, and milled coinage from the reign of Elizabeth I onwards.


Tuesday 3 May 10am-5pm and morning of sale from 8am. Viewing is open to the public, there is no need to make an appointment.

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