Unit Citation Certificate & Rhodesian General Service Medal, to 66898P VDT Dabulewicz...
Unit Citation Certificate & Rhodesian General Service Medal, to 66898P VDT Dabulewicz Wlodzimierz. the citation states, 'On 28 October 1972 a Land-Rover carrying Vdt. D. Wlodzimierz and Sergeant J. Hill struck a terrorist-laid landmine. Both men were severely injured and shocked. Realising that his Sergeant needed immediate first aid, Vdt Wlodzimierrz, despite his personal condition and with complete disregard to his own safety, ran some two thousand metres to fetch help. He collapsed soon after and it was discovered that the soles of his feet were severely burned and that he had numerous other superficial wounds. His devotion to duty was exemplary and his courage outstanding.'