Gneisenau (Gen Count) The Life and Campaigns of Field-Marshal Prince Blucher of Wahlstatt ...,...
Gneisenau (Gen Count) The Life and Campaigns of Field-Marshal Prince Blucher of Wahlstatt ..., 1815, portrait frontis, ten coloured plans on five plates, coloured folding plan (torn), half calf (worn, ex-library); Wilson (Robert), Private Diary of Travels, Personal Services and Public Events ..., 1861, Murray, two volumes, folding map, calf; Moore (James Carrick), The Life of Lieutenant-General Sir John Moore, 1833, Murray, two volumes, portrait frontis, recent half sheep; Anon. [Scott (Walter)], Paul's Letters to His Kinsfolk, 1816, Constable et al, second edition, half calf (well worn); Steffens (Henry), Adventures on the Road to Paris .., 1848, John Murray, quarter morocco (7)