18th Mar, 2023 9:30 GMT/BST
After Domenico Zampieri called 'Domenichino'(1581-1641) Bolognese
"The Cumean Sibyl"
Oil on canvas, 63cm by 54cm within arched frame
Sold for £320
Estimated at £300 - £500
In fully restored condition. Fairly stiffly relined, cleaned and revarnished. Surface is slightly flattened and the paint is thin in places becasue of thre restoration process, most notable in terms of the latter across the background. Slight stretcher shadow. Consistent small sized stable craquelure most notably through the background and to a lesser extent elsewhere. Light surface dirt and discoloured varnish. Some fairly sporadic and mostly small sized retouching throughout background and elsewhere on the left hand side of the upright book page, lower left hand side edge, and within the lower central parts of the masonry. Also within the fabric and drapery below her left arm, right hand side edge and to a lesser extent within the drapery of her left arm, likely to face and upper parts of the curved top of the instrument. This is not readily indentifiable under a UV light. Very minor rubbing to lower right hand corner. The odd tiny loss to surface in general.
Picture is likely later 19th Century.
Auction: British, European and Sporting Pictures, 18th Mar, 2023
Traditional Picture Sales offer a wide range of oil paintings, watercolours, drawings and prints from the 15th to the early 20th centuries.
The sale includes the Picture Collection from Denton Hall, Ilkley, West Yorkshire which has been part of the NG Bailey group of companies for over 40 years. NG Bailey is the UK’s leading independent engineering and services business and is owned by the Bailey family.
A fully illustrated catalogue will be available leading up to the sale.
Entries are invited for forthcoming sales
Sunday 12th March 11am-4pm, Monday 13th March-Friday 17th March 10am-4pm and morning of the sale from 8am.
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