31st Jan, 2024 10:30 GMT/BST
Autoreflex A with Hexanon f3.2 135mm lens; two Autoreflex T3 with Hexanon f1.8 50mm and Hexanon f1.8 40mm lenses (3)
Auction: Scientific & Musical Instruments, Cameras & Tools, 31st Jan, 2024
The sale will offer a good range of brass, string, woodwind and electronic musical instruments, led by a 1963 Pre-CBS Fender Stratocaster, and two fine Selmer Mark VI Saxophones in outstanding condition.
Also of note are Leica cameras, a Curta Type I calculator, and a host of unusual items such as a collection of glass eyes.
Tuesday 30 January 10am-5pm and morning of sale from 8am
If you've got a similar item to sell, complete the valuation form below and one of our experts will get in touch.