Antiques & Interiors, to include Silver and Beswick & Border Fine Arts

Lot: 1 to 999 - 6th Aug, 2022 9:30 GMT/BST
Lot: 1000 to 1999 - 6th Aug, 2022 9:30 GMT/BST

The Auction Centre, Leyburn
Lots: 772

The specialist section of Beswick and Border Fine Arts forms part of the Antiques & Interiors sale, starting at lot 1000. You will find all your favourite BFA limited-edition agricultural models, and rare Beswick models such as the Belted Galloway Bull, Rockinghorse Grey Horses, and good group lots of dogs and farm animals. 

The Antiques & Interiors auction will also include a specialist section of Silver, starting from lot 1, as well as a mix of affordable traditional art and antiques, jewellery, watches and more.

Entries are invited for future sales. Click here to contact us now.

Name: Jody Beighton

Name: William McNab

Lot 1090 - Border Fine Arts 'Herdwick Tup'

Sold for £130
Estimated at £70 - £100

Lot 1091 - Border Fine Arts 'Hereford Bull' (Style Two)

Sold for £110
Estimated at £100 - £150

Lot 1092 - Border Fine Arts 'Holstein Bull'

Not Sold
Estimated at £100 - £150

Lot 1096 - Border Fine Arts James Herriot Studio Models

Sold for £130
Estimated at £100 - £150

Lot 1097 - Border Fine Arts 'Limousin Bull' (Style One)

Sold for £100
Estimated at £100 - £150

Lot 1101 - Border Fine Arts 'Longhorn Bull'

Sold for £130
Estimated at £120 - £180

Lot 1102 - Border Fine Arts 'What Now?'

Sold for £160
Estimated at £120 - £180

Lot 1103 - Border Fine Arts 'On The Edge'

Sold for £120
Estimated at £80 - £120

Lot 1105 - Border Fine Arts Sheep Models

Sold for £190
Estimated at £100 - £150

Lot 1106 - Border Fine Arts Shepherd and Collie Group

Sold for £140
Estimated at £120 - £180

Lot 1108 - Border Fine Arts 'Simmental Family'

Sold for £250
Estimated at £150 - £250

Lot 1109 - Border Fine Arts 'Simmental Family Group'

Sold for £220
Estimated at £120 - £180

Lot 1110 - Border Fine Arts Studio Bulls (Lying)

Sold for £120
Estimated at £80 - £120

Lot 1111 - Border Fine Arts Studio Cattle Models

Sold for £160
Estimated at £50 - £80

Lot 1112 - Border Fine Arts Studio Cattle Models

Sold for £120
Estimated at £100 - £150

Lot 1113 - Border Fine Arts Studio Sheep Models

Sold for £120
Estimated at £80 - £120

Lot 1115 - Border Fine Arts 'Taking To The Tup'

Sold for £100
Estimated at £80 - £120

Lot 1116 - Border Fine Arts 'Texel Ram' (Style Two)

Sold for £90
Estimated at £70 - £100

Lot 1119 - Border Fine Arts 'Doormice'

Sold for £110
Estimated at £100 - £150

Lot 1120 - Border Fine Arts Fox Figure Group

Sold for £90
Estimated at £50 - £80

Lot 1121 - Border Fine Arts 'March Hares'

Sold for £170
Estimated at £60 - £80

Lot 1122 - Border Fine Arts Studio Bird Models

Sold for £140
Estimated at £80 - £120

Lot 1123 - Beswick Cantering Shire

Sold for £100
Estimated at £100 - £150

Lot 1124 - Beswick Champion Welsh Mountain Pony

Sold for £130
Estimated at £100 - £150

Lot 1125 - Beswick Champion Welsh Mountain Pony

Sold for £150
Estimated at £100 - £150

Lot 1126 - Beswick Collectors Club Horses

Sold for £220
Estimated at £100 - £200

Lot 1127 - Beswick Dartmoor Pony Family

Sold for £90
Estimated at £100 - £150

Lot 1128 - Beswick Dogs

Sold for £50
Estimated at £80 - £120

Lot 1130 - Beswick Dogs

Sold for £40
Estimated at £80 - £120

Lot 1131 - Beswick Girl on Pony

Sold for £120
Estimated at £80 - £120

Lot 1132 - Beswick Horse and Jockey

Sold for £120
Estimated at £100 - £150

Lot 1133 - Beswick Horses

Sold for £90
Estimated at £80 - £120

Lot 1134 - Beswick Horses

Sold for £120
Estimated at £100 - £200

Lot 1135 - Beswick Hunter

Sold for £130
Estimated at £100 - £150

Lot 1136 - Beswick Hunting Group

Sold for £130
Estimated at £150 - £250

Lot 1137 - Beswick Hunting Group

Sold for £150
Estimated at £150 - £200

Lot 1138 - Beswick Hunting Group

Sold for £160
Estimated at £100 - £200

Lot 1139 - Beswick Hunting Group

Sold for £110
Estimated at £100 - £150

Lot 1140 - Beswick Hunting Group

Sold for £60
Estimated at £60 - £90

Lot 1140a - Beswick Hunting Group

Sold for £170
Estimated at £150 - £250

Lot 1141 - Beswick Huntsman

Sold for £60
Estimated at £70 - £100

Lot 1141a - Beswick Hunting Group

Sold for £160
Estimated at £100 - £200

Lot 1142 - Beswick Labrador - Walking

Sold for £280
Estimated at £300 - £400

Lot 1143 - Beswick Large Hunter

Sold for £110
Estimated at £40 - £60

Lot 1144 - Beswick Mare (Facing Left)

Sold for £420
Estimated at £80 - £120

Lot 1147 - Beswick Mare and Foal on Base

Sold for £30
Estimated at £40 - £60

Lot 1148 - Beswick Shetland Pony 'Hollydell Dixie'

Sold for £110
Estimated at £80 - £120

Lot 1149 - Beswick Stocky Jogging Mare

Sold for £300
Estimated at £150 - £250

Lot 1150 - Beswick Aberdeen Angus Cattle

Sold for £160
Estimated at £80 - £120

Lot 1151 - Beswick Ayrshire Cattle

Sold for £190
Estimated at £80 - £120

Lot 1152 - Beswick Cattle

Sold for £130
Estimated at £100 - £150

Lot 1153 - Beswick Cattle

Sold for £120
Estimated at £100 - £150

Lot 1154 - Beswick Farm Animals

Sold for £100
Estimated at £80 - £120

Lot 1155 - Beswick Farm Animals

Sold for £120
Estimated at £80 - £120

Lot 1156 - Beswick Friesian Cattle

Sold for £90
Estimated at £80 - £120

Lot 1157 - Beswick Friesian Cattle

Sold for £70
Estimated at £80 - £120

Lot 1158 - Beswick Friesian Cattle

Sold for £70
Estimated at £80 - £120

Lot 1159 - Beswick Galloway Bull - Belted

Sold for £850
Estimated at £700 - £900

Lot 1160 - Beswick Galloway Bull - Silver Dunn

Sold for £550
Estimated at £500 - £700

Lot 1161 - Beswick Galloway Cow

Sold for £100
Estimated at £80 - £120

Lot 1162 - Beswick Guernsey Cattle

Sold for £90
Estimated at £80 - £120

Lot 1163 - Beswick Hereford Cattle

Sold for £70
Estimated at £80 - £120

Lot 1164 - Beswick Hereford Cattle

Sold for £60
Estimated at £80 - £120

Lot 1165 - Beswick Jersey Cattle

Sold for £70
Estimated at £70 - £100

Lot 1166 - Beatrix Potter Beswick 'Two Gentleman Rabbits'

Sold for £160
Estimated at £100 - £150

Lot 1169 - Beswick Beatrix Potter 'The Head Gardener'

Sold for £80
Estimated at £70 - £100

Lot 1171 - Beswick Appaloosa (Spotted Walking Pony)

Sold for £90
Estimated at £100 - £150

Lot 1173 - Beswick Foal (Small, Gambolling Left)

Sold for £120
Estimated at £100 - £200

Lot 1174 - Beswick Galloping Horse

Sold for £1,100
Estimated at £150 - £250

Lot 1175 - Beswick Grazing Shire

Sold for £260
Estimated at £200 - £400

Lot 1176 - Beswick Horse and Jockey

Sold for £120
Estimated at £100 - £150

Lot 1177 - Beswick Horses

Sold for £60
Estimated at £70 - £100

Lot 1178 - Beswick Horses and Foals

Sold for £130
Estimated at £100 - £200

Lot 1179 - Beswick Mare (Facing Left)

Sold for £420
Estimated at £400 - £600

Lot 1180 - Beswick Mountain and Moreland Ponies

Sold for £80
Estimated at £100 - £200

Lot 1181 - Beswick Norwegian Fjord Horse

Sold for £130
Estimated at £100 - £150